
Wednesday 13 June 2012

Settling an argument.

Just recently this guy in the year below me just went nuts on one of my wall posts, criticising the writing style of one of my associates(which might i ad was grammatically and impeccable in terms of punctuation)
Ironically his criticism was in a far worse grammatical state. after us pointing this out he goes shit crazy on us and generally insinuates we're ignorant to the majority of literature, trolls and unable to comprehend words pertaining more than two syllables.

There's really only one way to respond to such accusations.


  1. Matt Best dope i've ever smoked Pope13 June 2012 at 17:22

    hey man i just looked that over. Grammatically there were some typos on my part, but you could have hit nearer the mark. In any case, my language was deliberately sesquipedalian to emphasise my point, and further prove that i wasn't being overly serious. I don't think anyone can be that serious on facebook, because it is a medium of such contrived situations and myriad personalities. It is a matrix of false-hoods and counterfeits. But in all seriousness i apologise to Jan for being a penis

  2. (darth vader voice)
    "apology accepted"
    but really no hard feelings, light-hearted vigilante troll justice was served.
    This wasn't a personal slander post(hence no mention of your name), I'm just in the habit of uploading my work.
