
Friday, 26 April 2013

Random Developments in korea.........

One night, at 11pm my Korean friend "Polaris" messages me a challenge to eat some of his ridiculously spicy noodles... as in ring burn/my insides hurt central.
Because i'm not a massive pussy like my friend Mr. T.Whetherby (who was also challenged but pussied out because HE'S A BITCH) i said yes. (foolishly).
The following hilarity ensued... all photographed by a sadistic and highly amused Polaris.

Feeling confident
Having some slight second thoughts

Fuckkit...nom nom nom
Now Was The Blistering Summer Of My Discontent.
Abandon Ship

This was fairly amusing until Polaris decided to upload the pictures to a Korean forum/basically korean reddit...
This ends up on Facebook and apparently 25000 Koreans find Polaris's sadistic abuse hilarious....

It's like she's still here.

So, One of my best friends has sadly ended her exchange with my uni and has returned to 'merica.
She's sorely missed by our collage and is homesick for oxford.
I've been Photoshopping her into our group photos so she feels she's still here....and because she has a pretty cute face and our photos are at a loss without it. #ToSmooth4Myshirt.

I have to give credit to Miss S.Toner (yes genuinely her name #sadisticparents) for giving me the idea when she produced this

 However, you could subtly tell (by some of the pixels or something) that it was a fake.
I decided i would have to do better...


Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Internet arguments.....

One could spend time clarifying rational arguments that support the point in question, this would however be wasted time because..."the internet".
Instead i choose to photoshop people into phallic attire...Argument  solved