I found some of my a-level maths work the other day and found it to be full of fairly amusing doodles. i figured i would share them.
This Last doodle was inspired by the proposed 4th emergency service.
Tell me?:
Have you ever been stuck at home unable to open that one stiff jar of mustard?
Have you ever wasted minutes trying to thread a needle?
Sick of that cat that keeps sleeping on your shed?
Cant open a drawer because it has too much crap in it?
Dropped an earring into a hot-tub full of angry ostriches?
If the answer to any of these was yes then you could certainly benefit from POLAR SQUAD.
POLAR SQUAD is a dedicated organisation consisting of highly trained polar bears well versed in peer support as well as being able to solve your day to day domestic issues with super helpful bullets and "personal well-being" launchers".
Lobby your local politician to support our funding TODAY!