
Thursday, 5 July 2012

Cheesy Vengeance.

An interesting tale. a few days ago (being off from sixth form and all) I decided to spend a day out travelling with my family, seeing what they're up to these days. upon my travels I arrive at my younger sister's ninja training centre (martial arts, ect). Weirdly on my arrival I'm met with quite a few "looks" from the girls there, which might be cool if they weren't all about 15/16 <forever alone> .  with the available information, i had just amused i was simply looking rather dashing with my shirt, waist-coat and shockingly good looks(i jest) ect.
Only after my return home am I kindly informed by my sister the reality if the situation. It turns out that the younger brother of one of my friends (who also participates in ninja training) was mooching about on the internet with the girls in question (as you do). While trying to find a particular meme, this cheeky sod decides it might be funny to forward a selection of pictures involving me toplessly participating in archery and sword duelling(generally being muscular) at a summer camp some years ago...great.....
Having made a habit of consistently ribbing this scallywag about his apparently "cheesy" hair, i felt this was a suitable retort.